
First Term:(2)Searching Nine Characteristics

Character description of nine curiosties:
  • ONE+ constrain by edges,neutralisation:what is to be done with juxtaposed images where nothing-neither subject nor postion-can be juxtaposed because of disparities at their margins?
Where the bather's legs were spread, the nymph's were together; where one was at the water's edge,the other was in it up to her kness.How could such obstacles be overcome?

This method is recommened only for blurry conditions: reflections in water, smoke, clouds, mirages,the inspiration wreathed muse.
  • TWO+method of portraiture using the subject's name as a constraint of measure: the letters of a name are assigned lengths consistent with their position in the alphabet(A=1,B=2,C=3,etc.).
These are used,for example, to determine the proportions of a portrait.
  • THREE+nude turning round on her couch,even:the initial work was cut in half and the two halves permuted.In turn,the halves were cut in two and the halves of the halves permuted, and the process repeated until after the sixth operation the odalisque, in 64 slices,was turned around on her couch.
  • FOUR+plaited picture:a constraint by edges where by two images,cut into strips and plaited with one another,always produce a coherent result whenever and however they are resembled.
  • FIVE+images are drawn on 3 strips of paper,these are reduced by accordion like pleating to hinged strips which, through folding, can be revealed or concealed:The avriable compositions that become possible always respect the rule of the constraint by edges.
  • Six+Taquinoid,or taquinoidal painting:a work by Carelman(taquinoidal landscape,see image)constructed in the image of the game of taquin(known in England as the "fifteen puzzle").
But whilst, in the latter,the game consists in returning the sliding squares to an initial and unique order,the taquinoid recognises all possible positions of the tiles as valid.

The artist has painted the squares so that the four sides of each one respect atotal constraint by edges.Whatever the disposotion of the squares,a coherent figurative work is always presented.
  • SEVEN+Re-framing-two methods:
(a)Details of an existing strip are excerpted and reframed.

(b)Additions are made to the frames of an existing strip,the orginal frames becomeing no more than components of the new ones.
  • EIGHT+a day in the life of a sofa:you ca kick a sofa,squish it,drop it,sleep on it,even sit on it.It's tested to stand up to the demands of everyday home life.
  • NINE+Invisible Cities:...Marco Polo, must informant,spread out on it the samples of the wares be had brought back from his journeys to the ends of the empire:a belmet,a seabell,a coconut,a fan......,the ambassador tried to depict for the monarch's eyes the vicissitudes of his travels,the conditions of the empire,the prerogatives of the distant provincial seats.
Oulipo Compendium edited by Harry Mathews&Alastair Brotchie
Invisible Cities Italo Calvino

First Term:(1)Researching three environments-Forest

Site three:ForestForest:

Translating the longitude and the latitude into the plane of X and Y lines in order to describe the size and density of forest.

Here is negative film to express it more clearly.

First Term:(1)Researching three environments-Swamp


Because water is a part of swamp, ripples are often to see when creatures pass through the swamp. Organisms live in the swamp leave their traces on the surface no matter their traces are direct or curve or deep.

Using the method of imprinting translate the traces in the swamp.

First Term:(1)Researching three environments-Cliff

*First of all, researching three environments and identify them as translating into architecture language



Because of earthquake ,the ground disintegrate from plane to become a crevasse, when time past, the crevasse could be shape into a cliff.Using the method of folding translate frm plane to polyhedron.

Ten Days Workshop :Self Portrait & Three Days Workshop:Situation Drawing

Ten Days Workshop :Self Portrait

--As this wave from memories flows in, the city soaks it up like a sponge and expands.A description of Zaira as it is today should contain all Zair's past.The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains i like the lines of a hand,written in the corners of the streets, the gratings of the windows, the banisters of the steps, the antennae of the lightning rods, the poles of the flags,every segment marked in turn with scratches,indentations,scrolls.--Referance from INVISIBLE CITIES ITALO CALVINO--

0919 joining free night hike,walking 10 miles around london.We didn't know the route.We just followed people and arrow across every bridge on Thames river.
Taking pictures at night,thinking Marco Polo how to say and describe the cities to Kublai
knban,depending on personal experience to make the model.

Three Days Workshop:
Situational Drawings
From:uLA [Bryan Cantely + Kevin O'Donnell]

Think Quick/Draw Quick/Done Quick

Day 1: 4 Drawings

A.Page Structure
1.Tape down a large format paper to your desk
2.Use adjacent situations to project a "Structure" on the paper

B.Object Deconstructing
1.Find and locate a semi-complex component.
2.Construct two sections and elevations of the component.

C.Post Occupancy Graphics
1.Generate a set of graphic information system

D.Page Structure
1.Locate a page that has "Native print" markings.
2.Use the original format to establish a geometry of the markings.
3.This will serve as a "Structural idea" for the SURFACE of the page.

Day 2: 2 Drawings
1.Context drawings: combine page structure and occupancy graphics and native print into one as a site/context.
2.Hybrid Drawings : Begin with the object drawing and introduce the information behind or before the section or elevation.

Day 3.1: Observatory of Situational Drawing
Start to explore through the context drawings that you create by cutting section or whatever method, to realize the ability or potential of the structure, and emerged the object into the context as observatory for exploring situational drawings.

Day 3.2: Final Tweak and Narratives

-text from .tza


wander on website

Magnetic Sculpture

Basic description: This sculpture relies on a magnet encased in a piece of wood, covered by a thin sheet of plastic. Metal parts places on top of the base become magnetized and this gives them very interesting properties. You can shape the part as if they were a single mass, its very fun to play with while you are talking on the phone etc. Think of it as a 3D doodler.

Weave Mirror

Rozin's interactive mirrors at Bitforms

The Weave Mirror is particularly striking. 768 motorized and laminated C-shaped prints are assembled on a flat surface that looks like one of a big weaved basket. As you approach, the surface comes to life with little clacking sounds, and paints your portraits using a gradual rotation in grayscales value on each C-ring. The reactions of the installation are quite fast, you can see your reflection on the surface nearly in real time. The sculpture is suspended from the ceiling and if you walk around it you can see its functional circuitry and wiring

